This is a page dedicated to information on the next generation Internet technology, IPv6.
Eventually I'll fill this page with links, slides, and information to getting your networks ready.
IPv6 News
Comcast IPv6 nationwide deployment scheduled for 2012
IPv6 Crash Course Presentation
Unallocated IPv6 Projects
This is a placeholder for links to projects and information provided by members of UAS. Examples include: A-KO's Presentations, Example IPv6 Applications Programming, and Information and Howto's provided by UAS
IPv6 RFC List
- IPv6 Addressing Architecture
- IPv6 Specification
- ICMPv6 for IPv6
- Unique Local IPv6 Addresses
- IPv6 Stateless link Autoconfiguration
IPv6 Tunnel Service Providers
Hurricane Electric Tunnel Broker Service (Preferred Provider)
SixXS Tunnel Broker (Alternative because Cogent is fail)
External Links
Microsoft's Technet IPv6 Information
Comcast's IPv6 Deployment Information Page
IPv6-enabled Services
- Xbox.com's main homepage
- Facebook's site, www.v6.facebook.com
- Google, ipv6.google.com (All Google Services are v6 enabled by default if you use approved DNS servers)
- Efnet IRC Servers
- Freenode IRC Servers
- Linode's VPS Solutions are native IPv6-capable in select datacenters