SMS and Email Responder
The Unallocated Space SMS and Email Responder is a way for people to interact with the space and access certain functions and information over SMS or Email. Commands are currently as follows:
- status returns the current open/closed status of the space.
- rollcall returns a list of people who have checked into the space using the beta member check-in system.
- tweet returns the contents of the latest @Unallocated twitter post.
- site returns the latest blog post from the space website.
- sign returns the current contents of the prolite LED_Sign, and updates the content if used with any further text. (sign this is the new sign text.
- weather returns the current weather conditions in Severn MD.
- address returns the address of the space.
The number to SMS is +1 (512) 943-2827, this number can also be called to check the open/closed status of the space as well as speak to someone in the space. Those functions and more are detailed here: Asterisk
- Version 1.0 was written by Textile, and is no longer in use.
- Version 2.0 was written by C-P and actually uses botfunc (respfunc is a symlink to botfunc) of the IRC_Bot for its commands code, and has an upgraded polling and response setup using IMAP and SMTP.
Version 2.0
#!/usr/bin/env python import email,imaplib,smtplib,os,respfunc def send_response(toaddrs,msg): print "Sending response to "+toaddrs print msg server=smtplib.SMTP('') server.starttls() server.login('','') server.sendmail('',toaddrs,"\r\n"+msg+"\r\n") server.quit() def get_emails(email_ids): data=[] for e_id in email_ids: _,response=imap_server.fetch(e_id,'(RFC822)') mail=email.message_from_string(response[0][1]) msg='' for part in mail.walk(): if str(part.get_content_type())=='text/plain': msg=msg+str(part.get_payload()) msg=msg.split('--')[0].strip() sender=email.utils.parseaddr(mail['from'])[1] data.append([sender.replace("'",''),msg.replace("'",'')]) return data imap_server=imaplib.IMAP4_SSL("",993) imap_server.login('','')'INBOX') email_ids=str(,'(UNSEEN)')[1])[2:-2].split() for em in get_emails(email_ids): if "" in em[0]: #Twitter mention print "unused" #em[1]=em[1].replace("=\r\n",'') #em[1]=em[1].replace("'",'') #em[1]=em[1].replace('"','') #em[1]=em[1].split(" you:\r\n\r\n")[1].split("\r\n\r\n\r\nReply")[0].split("\r\n\r\nIn reply to")[0].strip() #print em[1] #os.system("echo 'New Twitter Mention: "+em[1]+"' > /uas/irc/irc") elif "" == em[0]: #wiki alert data=em[1].split('<{0}>')[1].split() os.system("echo 'Wiki Update: Page %s by %s: %s' > /uas/irc/irc" % (data[0], data[1], data[2])) else: print "From: "+em[0] print "Message: "+em[1] print em[1]=em[1].partition(" ") command=em[1][0].replace('!','') command=command.lower() if command in respfunc.responder_commands: send_response(em[0],respfunc.responder_commands[command](em[1][2])) imap_server.close() imap_server.logout()
Version 1 is depreciated
Here is the code for the sensor responder using gmail and google voice -Textile
#!/usr/bin/python2.6 import imaplib,smtplib,re,urllib,urllib2,time,socket from email.mime.text import MIMEText import pdb,os class actions: def __init__(self): pass def status(self,X=None): f = open('/tmp/status','r') stat = f.close() return stat def address(self,X=None): return "512 Shaw Court suite 105\nSevern, MD 21122" def sign(self,data): data=data.replace('"','') data=data.replace("'",'') try: if data=="": message='The last sign update read as: '+open('/tmp/sign','r').read() else: if '<FO>' in data: message="<FO> is not allowed" else: s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect(('',9001)) s.sendall(data) message=s.recv(1024) s.close() if "Updating sign to " in message: os.system("echo 'Mobile update to sign: "+data+"' > /uas/irc/irc") except socket.error: message="Failed to update sign" return message class emailResponder: def __init__(self): cmd = actions() self.trigger = {'status':cmd.status,'address':cmd.address,'sign':cmd.sign} self.msg = None def parse(self): fromaddy = None subject = None self.body.reverse() for field in self.body: if field[:5] == 'From:': fromaddy = field.split('<')[-1][:-1] elif field[:8] == 'Subject:': subject = field.split(' ')[1].strip().lower() self.msg = ' '.join(field.split(' ')[1:]) if subject not in self.trigger.keys(): subject = None if fromaddy and subject != None: return (fromaddy,subject) else: return False def getMessage(self,msg): if msg in self.trigger.keys(): return self.trigger[msg](self.msg) #call function else: return "Invalid Command" def getUnread(self): """ get unread messages and return subject and from address """ self.messages = {} mbox = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL('', 993) mbox.login(######################,################) status, count ='EmailResponder') #print count #number of total messages typ, data =, 'UNSEEN') for num in data[0].split(): typ, data = mbox.fetch(num, '(RFC822)') self.body = data[0][1].split('\r\n') data = self.parse() if data is not False: self.messages[data[0]] = {"subject":data[1],"from":data[0]} mbox.close() mbox.logout() def sendRespond(self,responce,toaddy): server = smtplib.SMTP("",587) server.ehlo('x') server.starttls() server.ehlo('x') server.login(######################,################) server.sendmail('',toaddy,responce) def status(self,toaddy): """ format the responce from the sensor into an email message and return it """ stat = self.getMessage(self.messages[toaddy]['subject']) msg = MIMEText(stat+"\n\nTeach, Learn, Party") msg['Subject'] = stat msg['From'] = "" msg['To'] = toaddy return str(msg) def respond(self): self.getUnread() if len(self.messages) == 0: return else: for key in self.messages.keys(): toaddy = self.messages[key]['from'] self.sendRespond( self.status(toaddy),toaddy) class textResponder: def __init__(self): cmd = actions() self.trigger = {'status':cmd.status,'address':cmd.address,'sign':cmd.sign} self.msg = None self.fromaddy = None def getUnread(self): """ get unread messages and return subject and from address """ self.messages = {} mbox = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL('', 993) mbox.login(######################,################) status, count ='TXTMESSAGE') #print count #number of total messages typ, data =, 'UNSEEN') for num in data[0].split(): typ, data = mbox.fetch(num, '(RFC822)') self.body = data[0][1].split('\r\n') data = self.parse() if data is not False: #we do this so multiple text messages are not sent to the same user based on email history #its a hack but it works self.messages[data[0]] = {"from":data[0],"msg":data[1]} mbox.close() mbox.logout() def parse(self): fromaddy = None msg = None self.body.reverse() for field in self.body: if field[:5] == 'From:': fromaddy = field.split('<')[-1][:-1].split('.')[1] self.fromaddy = fromaddy elif field.lower().split(' ')[0] in self.trigger.keys(): msg = field.lower().split(' ')[0] self.msg = ' '.join(field.lower().split(' ')[1:]) if fromaddy and msg != None: return (fromaddy,msg) else: return False def getMessage(self,msg): if msg in self.trigger.keys(): return self.trigger[msg](self.msg) #call function else: return "Invalid Command" def respond(self): self.getUnread() #check to see if there are any messages to be sent and return if len(self.messages) == 0: return gv = GoogleVoiceLogin(######################,################) if not gv.logged_in: print "voice login failed" return for number in self.messages.keys(): text_sender = TextSend(gv.opener, gv.key) text_sender.text = self.getMessage(self.messages[number]['msg']) text_sender.send_text(number) #following 5 lines are used for debug #if text_sender.responce: # print text_sender.responce # print "success" #else: # print "failed" #sleep so as not to have google think we are trying to txt message spam time.sleep(3) class TextSend(): """ text send coded taken from here """ def __init__(self, opener, key): self.opener = opener self.key = key self.sms_url = "" self.text = '' def send_text(self, phone_number): sms_params = urllib.urlencode({ '_rnr_se': self.key, 'phoneNumber': phone_number, 'text': self.text }) #send the text self.responce =, sms_params).read() class GoogleVoiceLogin: """ gvoice code from here """ def __init__(self, email, password): # Set up our opener self.opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor()) urllib2.install_opener(self.opener) # Define URLs self.loing_page_url = '' self.authenticate_url = '' self.gv_home_page_url = '' # Load sign in page login_page_contents = # Find GALX value galx_match_obj ='name="GALX"\s*value="([^"]+)"', login_page_contents, re.IGNORECASE) galx_value = if is not None else '' # Set up login credentials login_params = urllib.urlencode( { 'Email' : email, 'Passwd' : password, 'continue' : '', 'GALX': galx_value }) # Login, login_params) # Open GV home page gv_home_page_contents = # Fine _rnr_se value key ='name="_rnr_se".*?value="(.*?)"', gv_home_page_contents) if not key: self.logged_in = False else: self.logged_in = True self.key = if __name__ == "__main__": emailResponder().respond() textResponder().respond()