
From Unallocated Space
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This page will be used to keep track of space maintenance.

Please update anytime a major maintenance is done, example calling in a plumber, changing out the toilet, electrician, fire extinguisher replacements, etc.

Toilet Replacements

  • Crypt0s 9/4/2011

Air Filter Changes

  • Hex Changed Air Filter 10/29/2011
  • Flay called Vicky on 6/18/2018; she stated that 'constellation energy' changes the filters every 3 months.

Smoke Detectors/Fire Extinguisher

  • Strogonaut bought 3 detectors on 11/11/11
  • Strogonaut bought 2nd ABC Extinguisher on 11/11/11

(Note) Primary extinguisher must be recharged by whomever discharged it.

Garbage Schedule


  • Every Other Tuesday


  • Every Other Thursday

Soap / Cleaning

The soap for our soap dispensers can be bought through uline: U-line S-18231 1 Gallon $19