This has been an ongoing and very slow project that I started a couple of years ago.
The basic idea of the project is to eventually have a robotic motorized self driving base, that dispenses beer, liquor, sodas, and mixed drinks as simply as possible to the end user.
Mark I:
Jazy Jet 3 power chair base 2 12 volt power controllers for each of the power chair motors 1 8 channel Radio controlled reciever 55 gallon and 30 gallon drum combined to create a keg cooler
Project stopped at this point due to space creation and loss of intrest in the project
Mark II:
The mark II never made it past the planning stage. The plan was to add a gravity fed liquor dispenser to the top
Project Restart
The project has been given new life thanks to Adam of DC949 helping to push new ideas and Gary donating a Mailbot to the project to give a large base.
Mark III:
Mailbot base will be deconstructed and a new ultrasonic guidance system will be applied with an arduino controller to give the robotic autonomous movement capability.
Looking into purchasing the Sidebar Beverage System for liquor dispensing. Sidebar Beverage System = [1]
Looking into purchasing a CO2 beer distribution system that will work on paintball CO2 cartridges. CO2 Beer Tap = [2]
Looking into a tap handle that is epic Monty Python Tap Handle = [3]
Also looking for a soda distribution system
Then will work on programming each of the devices together to make several cocktails based on pre-programmed buttons.